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20 Giugno 2015 - 21 Giugno 2015
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16 Giugno 2015

Commission brings together religious leaders to discuss “Living together and disagreeing well”

16 Giugno 2015 @ 0:00 -

European Commission – Press release
Commission brings together religious leaders to discuss “Living together and disagreeing well”

Today the European Commission hosted the annual high-level meeting with religious leaders. First Vice-President Frans Timmermans hosted European Parliament Vice-President Antonio Tajani and fifteen religious leaders from Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Mormon communities. This year’s meeting discussed the topic “Living together and disagreeing well”.
Frans Timmermans said: “This dialogue has never been more important. Our societies face fundamental challenges, and churches and religions are among the actors that can play an important role in promoting social cohesion and bridging divides. The leaders here today are partners for the European Commission as they can share their experience in fighting against fundamentalism, discrimination and in building mutual trust and understanding.”
Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Parliament responsible for the implementation of the dialogue, added: “We will only defeat radicalism and fundamentalism if we stay together. Dialogue between religions is crucial to defend the values of our societies. European institutions should foster this dialogue not only at the level of religious leaders and theological experts. Young people should be involved. We need to invest more not only in our economy but in the future of our youth. We need policies which foster key values such as peace, solidarity and respect of human dignity among future generations and societies”.
The conclusions of the high-level meeting today will feed into the first Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights in the EU to be held on 1 and 2 October 2015. The central theme of the Colloquium will be “Tolerance and respect: preventing and combating anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred in Europe”.

10 Giugno 2015

“Noi siamo con voi”; Manifestazione di solidarietà alle vittime della persecuzione religiosa

10 Giugno 2015 @ 0:00 -

Tra i promotori il MIR-MN Piemontese e il Centro Sereno Regis. PARTECIPANO E CONCORRONO A PROMUOVERE L’INIZIATIVA (elenco parziale): Religions for Peace – Interdependence – Manifesto di Torino – Centro di cultura italo-araba Dar al Hikma – Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione – Movimento Nonviolento –…

7 Giugno 2015

“Pregare. Un’esperienza umana”; forme di preghiera con il canto, la danza e la lettura delle Scritture

7 Giugno 2015 @ 0:00 -

ore 16 Reggia di Venaria, Cappella di Sant’Uberto In occasione della mostra Pregare.Un’esperienza umana, curata da Lucetta Scaraffia e Franco La Cecla, La Venaria Reale e Torino Spiritualità con il Comitato Interfedi della Città di Torino hanno deciso di organizzare insieme uno speciale momento di…

31 Maggio 2015

Dialogo interreligioso e nutrimento.

31 Maggio 2015 @ 0:00 -

In occasione della quattordicesima edizione della Fiera del libro di Imperia Porto Maurizio Sono intervenuti: Rav Giuseppe Momigliano, rabbino capo della Comunità ebraica di Genova; Don Antonello Dani, Parroco di Piani- Imperia; Erhan Ozturk, Presidente D.I.T.I.B. Milano; Aisha Lazzerini COREIS, Halal Italia; Svamini Shuddhananda Giri,…

28 Maggio 2015

World Hindu Economic Forum

28 Maggio 2015 @ 0:00 -

Presentation event by Swami Vigyananand about the international congress that will take place in London from 11th to 13th September 2015, about the prospective of reating a golobal Hindu Platform for businessmen.
