Dipavali 2015 - The festival of light in Italy
Dipavali or Diwali is a Hindu festival that is appreciated for the breath-taking atmosphere it creats all around;
its name, dipavali or diwali, means "row of lanterns", in reference to the lights that are lightened during this festival, as a symbol of good defeating evil in the form of darkness.
Dipavali, the “Festival of Light”, is a major festivity for Hindus worldwide. In Italy, thanks to the Law of Agreement of 31/12/2012 n. 246, Diwali is the official festivity for Hindus.
Organized by the Italian Hindu Union, Dipavali will be celebrated at a national level, the main venues being Rome, Turni and Milan.
Turin - 8 November 2015
Borgo Medievale
from 10,30 to 21,00
10.30 Welcome addresses by authorities
11.00 Interfaith round-table: the festival of lights in various traditions
11.30 Light rituals in India.
Indian community from Turin and Pancalieri
12.00 Puja organized by the Italian Hindu Union
13.00 Lunch: Gandhi and Taj Mahal Restaurant
14.00 Interviews: Pancalieri, a small India in
Piemonte. The experience of migration in women's tales.
By Professor Sara Bianchi
15.00 “ColorIndia and treasure hunt" children activities
from 5 +. By the Educational Services of MAO
Museum of Eastern Arts
15.30 Award ceremony of the photo competition
"India in Turin". Panel of judges directed by Franco Borrelli
16.00 Kora and tabla concert with Kamod Raj
Palampuri and Cheikh Fall
16.30 Preparation alla processione di offerta delle luci
con canti e danze
10.00/18.00 Punti Ristoro/Bazar Indiano/Dimostrazioni di
tradizioni, usi e costumi/Pratiche di ayurveda e yoga
19.00 Charity dance programme for Turning Point Onlus for children in Shristi Nepal.
Theater CAP 10100.
Please book your ticket at 347 4638481
Flyer of the event
Rome - 11 November 2015
Dipavali and religious freedom.
The role of religions today for a renewed environmental awareness. Ethical challenges for the future
Sala dell'Istituto di Santa Maria in Aquiro
at 10,30
Religions, living together and the environment: what could be the role of religions for a renewed awareness of the mutual relationship between men and environment?
These are the topics the speakers are going to deal with, considering the urge of responding to the critical situation caused by a wrong management of natural resources by men. The inspiration will be Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si' and the will to seize the challenge of the COP21 in Paris
10.30 Welcome addressed by authorities
11.00 Speeches
Introduces, moderates and concludes
Franco Di Maria – Jayendranatha,
Attorney, President of the Italian Hindu Union
Religious authorities
Paramahamsa Svami Yogananda Ghiri,
spiritual Guide (Mahant) of the Math Gitananda
Ashram Hindu Monastery and Founder of the Italian Hindu Union
Svamini Hamsananda Ghiri,
Vice-president Italian Hindu Union, Ministry of cult
S.E. Basant K. Gupta,
Ambassador of India in Rome
Luigi Manconi,
Lucio Malan,
Daniela Valentini,
Franca Biondelli,
Undersecretary of the Ministry of labor and social policy
Giovanna Maria Iurato,
Chief Officer at the Ministry of Home Affairs
Anna Nardini,
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Maurizio Miranda,
President of the Indo-italian Institute for Trade and
Della Rocca Ruben,
Vice-presidente of the Jewish Community in Rome
Roberto Catalano,
Focolare Movement
IlhamAllah Chiara Ferrero,
Secretary General of italian COREIS
Raffaele Luise,
Journalist, writer
Luca Attanasio,
Journalist, writer
Representatives of Hindu communities in Italy
Special thanks:
Milano - 14 novembre 2015
Dipavali: light that unites
Hindu communities invite you to share the Festival of Light
Villa Rescalli Villoresi
Spazio Seicento
Via Monti 7 Busto Garolfo (MI)
Puja and Arthi
15.30 -19.00
Prasad distribution
Dance, Music, Bhajan
Diwali Tradizions:
preparation of rangoli,
lighting of deepams,
sharing of life experiences
Lighting of Deepam
Welcome addresses by
interreligious personalities
and authorities
Fireworks show